SCHARF Girth Counterfeit Warning


SITUATION – Scharf have evidence that a company of Pakistani origin have offered for sale the SCHARF Freedom girth, using the same name with images taken directly from the Scharf website. The girth is a counterfeit, unlicensed, unauthorised and not sanctioned in anyway by Scharf.
Scharf are working on appropriate and swift legal action in this regard and will work with Trading Standards should any girths appear on the UK market. 

Copies of the Freedom Girth have no guarantee for our customers, riders and their horses. A horse’s comfort is paramount in everything that Scharf does, this girth could have extremely detrimental consequences and we urge all customers take extra care.

Any copy that may appear on the market infringes the Intellectual Property of Scharf and International Patent laws.

QUALITY – The SCHARF Freedom Girth is manufactured in Europe according to European warranty regulations with EU-approved safety materials

TRACEABILITY – . Each girth has an identification number for factory tested warranty and verification of the entire manufacturing process. This number is located underneath the buckles allowing full traceability and complete factory endorsement.

CHECK – All customers please check that if you are offered a girth that does not come directly from The CentreLine or an authorised saddle fitter that you check for the identification number. If in doubt please call us and we will help you.

STOP – should any customer become aware of any outlet selling counterfeit Scharf products, please report it directly to The CentreLine and will take the appropriate action with Scharf.

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